Operates various types of power construction equipment to excavate, move, and grade earth, as well as to erect structures or pour concrete. Also responsible for repairing and maintaining equipment as needed.
Type of Job:
White collar
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is expected to have a broad impact across nearly all categories of white-collar work. Jobs could be automated, augmented, or transformed.
What Constitutes Artificial intelligence (AI)?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that allows systems, whether software or machine-based, to autonomously make predictions, recommendations, or decisions that impact both real and virtual environments without the need for constant human guidance or intervention.
- Lane, M. and M. Williams (2023), “Defining and classifying AI in the workplace”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 290, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/59e89d7f-en.
- Lassébie, J. and G. Quintini (2022), “What skills and abilities can automation technologies replicate and what does it mean for workers?: New evidence”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 282, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/646aad77-en.
- OECD. OECD Employment Outlook 2023: Artificial Intelligence and the Labour Market. OECD Publishing, 2023. OECD iLibrary, https://doi.org/10.1787/08785bba-en.
- Frey, Carl Benedikt, and Michael A. Osborne. The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation? Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment, 2013. https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/publications/the-future-of-employment.
- SHRM, and The Burning Glass Institute. Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Workforce. SHRM and The Burning Glass Institute, 2023. https://www.burningglassinstitute.org/research/generative-artificial-intelligence-and-the-workforce.
- Stanford University Human-Centered AI Institute. Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2024. Stanford University, 2024. https://aiindex.stanford.edu/report/.
- Bessen, James E., How Computer Automation Affects Occupations: Technology, Jobs, and Skills (October 3, 2016). Boston Univ. School of Law, Law and Economics Research Paper No. 15-49, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2690435 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2690435.
Giacomo Gaudenzi
Journalist with experience in Digital Marketing, Research, and Design.
Will Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators be replaced by AI & Robots?
Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators risk of being automated:
This job has a low likelihood of substantial automation within the next 20 years, placing it in the lower quartile for automation probability among occupations.