Key findings
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is unlikely to automate blue-collar jobs like Plating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic.
These workers may even see an increase in demand and income due to the growth in premium goods and services.
GenAI is unable to perform physical tasks, protecting blue-collar workers.
In the future, skills like Information Ordering and Digital Data Processing could be automated, but tasks requiring coordination, quality control analysis, and time management will remain essential in this field.
How could AI or automation replace or complement job activities?
While AI and automation could enhance processes for Plating Machine Operators, they may not entirely replace the human touch needed for tasks like adjusting settings, inspecting for defects, and ensuring quality.
For example, AI could assist in monitoring machine performance but human judgment is crucial for tasks like inspecting coated areas for defects and adjusting controls based on visual cues.
Job description
Operates plating machines to coat metal or plastic products with various metals like chromium, zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, or others for protection or decoration. Usually, the product is dipped in melted metal or a special solution.