Key findings
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is set to impact, but not drastically transform, the work of Forest and Conservation Workers.
Blue-collar jobs like this are unlikely to be automated by GenAI due to the physical nature of the tasks involved.
The unique automation wave of GenAI may even increase demand for such workers, particularly with the growth of premium goods and services.
While some skills of this job could be automated in the future, the core tasks, such as active listening, critical thinking, and coordination, will continue to require human intervention.
How could AI or automation replace or complement job activities?
In the field of forest and conservation work, AI, automation, or LLMs like ChatGPT could potentially enhance certain processes.
While they may not fully replace the human touch required for tasks such as checking equipment, fighting fires, or enforcing regulations, they could streamline activities like tree marking, equipment operation, or data management.
For example, these technologies could assist in analyzing data collected during tree marking efforts, improving efficiency and accuracy in the process.
Job description
Performing manual labor tasks to develop, maintain, or protect natural areas like forests, woodlands, and wetlands. Tasks may include planting seedlings, controlling pests and diseases, and building structures for water and soil management. Job titles may include forester aides, tree planters, and gatherers of forest products.