Key findings
GenAI is set to impact but not transform the work of barbers.
Blue-collar jobs like barbering are unlikely to be automated by GenAI due to the physical nature of the tasks involved.
The increased demand for premium grooming services may even lead to a rise in income for barbers.
Skills like active listening, speaking, and social perceptiveness are essential for this job and are unlikely to be automated in the future.
While some tasks may be automated, the human touch and expertise of barbers will continue to be valued in the industry.
How could AI or automation replace or complement job activities?
AI and automation could potentially assist barbers in tasks such as record-keeping, inventory management, and appointment scheduling.
However, the intricate art of cutting and styling hair, providing personalized services, and building client relationships require human touch and creativity that AI may not fully replicate.
For example, AI could help barbers in managing appointments efficiently, but the skill of shaping and trimming beards with precision and suggesting personalized hair treatments may be best left to human expertise.
Job description
Providing barber services, including cutting, trimming, washing, and styling hair, as well as shaving and grooming beards.