Key findings
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is set to impact but not transform the work of crossing guards and flaggers.
Due to the physical nature of their tasks, these blue-collar workers are unlikely to be automated by GenAI.
The unique automation wave may even increase demand for their services, leading to a rise in income share.
While some skills like information ordering and digital data processing could be automated in the future, the social perceptiveness and speaking abilities required for this job are likely to remain essential.
How could AI or automation replace or complement job activities?
AI and automation could assist Crossing Guards and Flaggers by analyzing traffic patterns, suggesting optimal crossing times, and issuing warnings for potential hazards.
However, the human element of communication with pedestrians and drivers may not be easily replaced.
For example, AI could help monitor traffic flow and identify unsafe behavior, but the personal interaction and guidance provided by a Crossing Guard or Flagger are essential for ensuring safety at busy intersections.
Job description
Guides or controls traffic at places like streets, schools, railroad crossings, or construction sites.