Key findings
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is set to impact, but not transform, the work of Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers.
Blue-collar jobs like this are unlikely to be automated by GenAI due to the physical nature of the tasks involved.
The unique automation wave of GenAI may even lead to increased demand for such workers, especially in the production of premium goods and services.
While some skills of this job may be automated in the future, the core skills required, such as critical thinking, problem solving, and quality control analysis, will remain essential.
GenAI will enhance efficiency and accuracy in certain aspects of the job, but the human touch and skills of Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers will continue to be valued.
How could AI or automation replace or complement job activities?
While AI, automation, or LLMs like ChatGPT could not entirely replace Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers, they could enhance certain processes.
These technologies could assist in inputting specifications, computing dimensions, and optimizing pattern layouts to minimize material waste.
For example, AI could streamline the process of converting design models into patterns, improving efficiency and accuracy in garment production.
Job description
Create detailed fabric patterns and layouts with precision. This may involve marking and cutting fabrics and apparel.